Wills & will writing in Driffield Bridlington East Yorkshire & nationwide - Probate estate administration deputyship family trusts other private client issues - home visits in Driffield Bridlington East Yorkshire - retired solicitor Geoff Christie - wills Lasting Powers of Attorney

Christie Private Client Limited
providing full service will writing in East Yorkshire and beyond
assisting with powers of attorney - estate planning and administration - probate - elderly client planning
home visits at no extra cost

welcome to Christie Private Client - here to help you to put your affairs in order

01262 421815

office @ christieprivateclient.co.uk

not made an up to date will?

to protect the people that you care about and the assets that you have accumulated you should - click here

 need a power of attorney

essential to protect your family or business in the event of you loosing capacity because of injury, illness or old age - click here
please ask for a copy of our client guide to Lasting Powers of Attorney to be emailed to you

other solutions

we can assist with probate and estate administration, Deputyship, tax and other planning and senior client issues - we will discuss all of the options with you and tailor them to suit your needs - our service is thorough and our fees are reasonable - click here
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